Thursday, March 5, 2015

Beertasting 5 feb 2015

Olivier, a  colleague of mine organized a beertasting for us (off working hours of course :-) ).
He did a 2y course "biersommelier" so he obviously knows a lot about the subject.

This was his selection:
As I had never tasted Chimay Dorée it was quite interesting.  Most of the other beers are well known but the tasting was aimed at beginners.

Chimay Dorée 

  • Alcohol: 4.8 % ABV
  • origin: Brewery Abby Notre-Dame de Scourmont - Route Charlemagne, 8, 6464 Baileux (CHIMAY)  BELGIUM

Troubadour Blond

  • Alcohol: 6.5 % ABV
  • origin: Brewery The Musketeers BVBA, Tramstraat 8, B-9910 Ursel Belgium

St Feuillien Tripel

  • Alcohol: 8.5 % ABV
  • origin: Brewery St-Feuillien SA , Rue d'Houdeng 20 - 7070 Le Rœulx - Belgium

Gouden Carolus Ambrio

  • Alcohol: 8.0 % ABV
  • origin: Brewery Het Anker,  Guido Gezellelaan 49, B-2800 Mechelen, Belgium

Rochefort 8

  • Alcohol: 9.2  % ABV
  • origin: Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Remy, B-5580 Rochefort

Sint Bernardus ABT 12 

  • alcohol: 10% ABV
  • brewing type: quadrupel, dark
  • origin:  Brewery Sint Bernardus,  Trappistenweg 23, 8978 Watou, Belgium
  • price: € 1.90/ bottle incl deposit (qualidrinks, prices 2 jan 2015)

Did you know every 1000th bottle,  the abbot at the label winks at you? (thanks for the info, Harri)